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Everyone deserves nutritious,
fresh, and safe food.
And you now have the opportunity to feed them.

Purnoor DB Singh Mahal

Purnoor DB Singh Mahal is the young mind in the company having a keen interest in the Green & Sustainability portfolio of the Company. She is a gifted idea creator & developer. She has lots of innovative approaches to develop new thoughts & bring it to realistic form which is practical & viable. Her sense of progressive challenge and brainstorming is going to give the company an edge w.r.t. new thoughts & ways to look at business which is more agile and active to dynamics of change.

By training she is B.Tech.-IT from Chandigarh Engineering College and has good corporate exposure to IT and Branding domains. Her scope of job is to identify, select and finalize the human resources for the company, especially the young brigade, who share the same values & wants to progress together. She has to specifically develop the Branding for the company which is active on social media & user friendly for the sake of easy grasp & adaptability within & outside the company. She will also be responsible for all the IT related activities of the company including website, communication, software & ERPs company vide.