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Everyone deserves nutritious,
fresh, and safe food.
And you now have the opportunity to feed them.

Jagjyot Singh Sandhu
(JJ Sandhu)

Born into a family of business and construction, JJ quickly developed a love for machinery and systems* at an early age. Having studied in one of the most prestigious schools of the state, he developed an all round personality from being a national level athlete to spearheading environmental projects in the school. He graduated in 2012 from Yadavindra Public School, Mohali.

Having a curious nature and an inkling towards future technology, he went to university to pursue his Bachelors in Computer Science Engineering.

In his travels with AIESEC, he volunteered in several cultural and humanitarian projects all across Russia. Having worked closely with people from different nations of the world, he realised the importance of inclusion of youth towards a sustainable future.

He is driving a cultural change in the youth of punjab through his environment conscious movement, "Burrah!" spreading the message and promoting ethical lifestyles through music, clothing and motorsports.

With a 3 year experience in project management and marketing, JJ Sandhu is applying his knowledge towards large scale environment conscious projects through SANORFA.